
Kosta Kostadinov
Minute Read

Beginner’s Guide to Blackjack: Learn How to Play Blackjack for Beginners


Kosta Kostadinov
Minute Read

Blackjack is one of the world’s most exciting casino games. It is a game combining skill, strategy, and luck that anyone can learn.

But how to play blackjack online? What are the rules, strategies, and tips for online blackjack? How do you choose the best blackjack variant for you? And how do you avoid the common mistakes that can cost you money and fun?

We will answer all these questions and more in this blackjack guide. We will teach you everything you need to know about playing this game online, from the basics to the advanced. We will also provide a basic strategy, a list of the best online casinos and blackjack variants, and some FAQs to help you get started.

Table of Contents

  1. What is Blackjack?
  2. How does Blackjack work?
  3. Basic Rules of Blackjack
  4. Player Decisions and Options
  5. Blackjack Strategy and Tips on How to Play Online
  6. Blackjack Betting Strategy
  7. Types of Blackjack
  8. How to Play Blackjack in a Casino
  9. How to Play Blackjack Online
  10. Common Mistakes to Avoid in Blackjack
  11. Conclusion

What is Blackjack?

Blackjack is a card game originating from France in the 18th century. It is also known as 21 because your goal in the game is to get a hand in blackjack with a value as close to a total of 21 as possible without going over. The game includes one or more standard decks of 52 cards and usually involves several players and a dealer.

Blackjack is easy to learn but complex to master. It requires luck, skill, and a good understanding of the rules and strategies. Blackjack is a game of probabilities, where every decision you make affects your winning or losing chances.
Blackjack is also a game of fun where you can enjoy the thrill of beating the dealer, winning money, and socialising with other players. Today, you can find this thrilling card game in almost every online and land-based casino.
Hot to play blackjack

How does Blackjack work?

Blackjack plays out on a table that has a layout with various sections and markings. The table accommodates up to seven players, each with their own betting area. The dealer stands behind the blackjack table and deals the cards from a device named a “shoe,” which holds multiple decks. The dealer also has a discard tray where the used cards go.

The game starts with players placing bets in their betting area. The blackjack dealer then deals two cards face up to each player, one face up, and one face down to himself. The face-down card is commonly known as the hole card, and the face-up card is called the upcard.

The game outcome depends on hand values. You win if you are closer to 21 than the dealer or if the dealer busts. They lose if their hand is lower or they bust. Push happens with equal values. A blackjack (ace and a 10-value card) pays 3 to 2 unless both have blackjack, resulting in a push.

Basic Blackjack Rules

Before jumping into blackjack, you must know the game’s basic rules. Here are some of the most important ones:

Card Values and Scoring

The cards in blackjack have different values depending on their rank. The number cards (2 to 10) have their face value, the face cards (jack, queen, and king) have a value equal to 10, and the aces have a value of 1 or 11, depending on the player’s choice. The suit of the cards does not matter in blackjack.

A hand’s value is the sum of the values of the cards in the hand. For example, a hand of 5 and 7 has a value of 12, a hand of 10 and ace has a value of 21, and a hand of ace and 6 has a value of either 7 or 17. The highest possible hand value is 21, also called a blackjack. The lowest possible hand value is 2, also called a hard 2.

A hand can be hard or soft, depending on whether it contains an ace. A hard hand is a hand that does not contain an ace or a hand that includes an ace that can only count as 1. 

A soft blackjack hand is a hand that contains an ace that can count as either 1 or 11. For example, a hand of 9 and ace is a soft 20, a hand of 6 and ace is a soft 17, and a hand of ace and 5 is a soft 16.
BLackjack rules

The Deal

After the players have placed their bets, the blackjack dealer deals a pair of cards face up to each player, starting from his left and moving clockwise. The dealer then deals one card face up and one face down to himself. Each player can then see their cards and decide how to play their hands. The dealer can only look at his facedown card once all players have finished their turns.

Player’s Turn

The player to the dealer’s left is the first to act and has several options. Depending on their and the dealer’s up cards, the player can hit, stand, double down, split, or surrender, and his turn ends when they go over 21 (bust), stand, or take an option that ends their turn.


Hitting is the most common action in blackjack. It means taking an additional card from the dealer to improve the hand value. You can hit as many times as you want until you reach 21, go over 21, or decide to stand.
To hit, the player taps the table or says “hit.” Online, you have to press a button saying “hit.” The dealer will then deal one card face-up to the player, adding value to the player’s hand value. If the player’s hand value exceeds 21, they bust and lose their bet. If the player’s hand value is 21, the player stands automatically.


Standing is the opposite of hitting. It means keeping the current hand value and not taking any more cards. The player can stand at any time unless the hand value is lower than 12.

To stand, the player waves their hand over the cards or says they “stand.” The dealer then moves on to the next player, whose hand value is locked.

Player Decisions and Options in a Blackjack Game

In addition to hitting and standing, the player has other options, depending on their cards and the dealer’s up card. These options are doubling down, splitting pairs, insurance, and surrender. Depending on the situation and the strategy, these options can give the player an advantage or a disadvantage.

  • Hitting and Standing. Hitting means taking another card to improve the hand value while standing means keeping the current hand value. Players can hit or stand at any time during their turn, except when the hand value is lower than 12 or above 21.
  • Doubling Down. Players can double down by doubling the original bet and taking only one more card after receiving the first couple of cards. This option is available when the hand value is 9, 10, or 11, offering a risky but potentially rewarding strategy to increase winnings or reduce losses.
  • Splitting Pairs. Splitting pairs involves dividing a pair of cards with the same rank into two separate hands and placing another bet on the second hand. This option becomes available after receiving the first cards and only if the player has a pair. Splitting pairs can increase the chances of winning or losing, depending on the situation.
  • Insurance. Insurances are a type of blackjack side bets made when the dealer’s up card is an ace, betting that the dealer has a blackjack. This bet can only happen before the dealer checks his card and when the player doesn’t have a blackjack. However, it’s considered a bad option due to its high house edge and low probability of winning.
  • Surrender. Surrender is a rare option that allows players to forfeit their hand and get back half of their bet. This option is available after receiving the first cards and if the dealer doesn’t have a blackjack. It’s a strategic move when holding a terrible hand against a dealer’s strong upcard, reducing potential losses by half.

Basic Blackjack Strategy and Blackjack Tips

Understanding Odds and Probability

Odds and probability are concepts that can help you analyze the blackjack game and make better decisions. They tell you how likely a situation will happen. These concepts also tell you how much you can expect to win or lose in the long run. 

You can use mathematics and statistics to calculate the odds and probability of different events and scenarios in blackjack and adjust your strategy accordingly.

Chart of Basic Strategy

The blackjack strategy chart summarises the optimal action for every combination of your hand value and the dealer’s up card. It relates to mathematical calculations and probabilities and can significantly lower the house edge to as low as 0.5%. 
However, that depends on the game rules and the number of decks. To use the strategy chart, you must find your hand value and the dealer’s up card and follow the action shown in the corresponding cell.

When to Hit or Stand

Hitting and standing are the two most common actions in virtual blackjack. Hitting means taking another card from the dealer to improve your hand value. Standing means keeping your current hand value and not taking any more cards. 

You can hit or stand at any time unless your hand value is lower than 12 or higher than 21. When to hit or stand depends on your hand value, the dealer’s up card, and the game rules. In general, you should follow these guide to blackjack:
If your hand value is 11 or lower, you should always hit.

  • If your hand value is 17 or higher, you should always stand.
  • If your hand value is 12 to 16, you should hit or stand, considering the dealer’s up card.
  • If your hand is soft (contains an ace that counts as 1 or 11), you should hit or stand depending on the dealer’s up card and your hand value.

Tips on Splitting and Doubling Down

Splitting and doubling down are two options in blackjack that can boost your chances of winning or losing, depending on the situation and the strategy. 

Splitting means dividing a pair of cards with the same rank into two hands and placing another bet identical to the original one on the second hand. 

Doubling down means doubling your original bet and taking just one more card from the dealer. You can split or double down only after receiving the first cards and only if the game rules allow it. In general, you can follow these tips:
You should always split a pair of aces or a pair of 8s.

  • You should never split a pair of 10s or a pair of 5s.
  • You should split other pairs, but consider the dealer’s up card and the game rules.
  • You should always double down on a hand value of 11 unless the dealer has an ace.
  • You should always double down on a hand value of 10 unless the dealer has a 10 or an ace.
  • You should always double down on a hand value of 9 only if the dealer has a 3 to 6.
  • You should double down on a soft hand only if the dealer has a 3 to 6 and only if your hand value is 13 to 18.

Insurance and Surrender Strategy

Insurance and surrender are two options in a blackjack guide that can reduce your losses or increase your winnings, depending on the situation and the strategy. Insurance is a side bet you can make when the dealer’s up card is an ace. It means betting that the dealer has a blackjack, a hand value of 21, with the first two cards. 
Surrender is a rare option that allows you to forfeit your hand and get half of your bet back. You can make the insurance bet only before the dealer checks his card and if you do not have a blackjack. You can surrender only after receiving the first cards and if the dealer does not have a blackjack. In general, you should follow these guidelines:

  • You should avoid taking insurance because it is a bad option in blackjack.
  • You should surrender if the game rules allow it and only if you have a terrible hand and the dealer has a perfect up card.

Blackjack Betting Strategy

A blackjack betting strategy is a system that tells you how much to bet on each hand, depending on the outcome of the previous hands. A blackjack betting strategy can help you manage your bankroll, optimise your winnings, and reduce your losses. 

There are different types of blackjack betting strategies, such as flat betting, progressive betting, negative progression betting, and positive progression betting.

Flat Betting

Flat betting is the best blackjack betting strategy. It means betting the same amount on every hand, regardless of the outcome. Flat betting is a low-risk, low-reward strategy that can help you save your bankroll and avoid significant losses. However, it limits your potential winnings and does not take advantage of winning streaks.

Progressive Betting

Progressive betting is a blackjack betting strategy that involves changing your bet size based on the outcome of the previous hands. Progressive betting has two categories: negative progression betting and positive progression betting.

Negative Progression Betting

Negative progressions are betting strategies that involve increasing your bet size after you lose and decreasing it after a win. The idea is to recover your losses by betting more when you are losing and to secure your profits by betting less when you are winning.
Negative progression betting is a high-risk, high-reward strategy that can help you win big in the short term but can also lead to massive losses in the long term. Some examples of negative progression betting systems are the Martingale, the D’Alembert, and the Fibonacci.

Positive Progression Betting

Positive progression betting is a blackjack betting strategy that involves increasing your bet size after each win and decreasing it after a loss. The idea is to take advantage of winning streaks by betting more when you are winning and to minimise your losses by betting less when you are losing. 

Positive progression betting is a low-risk, low-reward strategy that can help you win small amounts in the long term and limit your potential winnings in the short term. Positive progression betting systems include the Paroli, the 1-3-2-6, and the Oscar’s Grind.

Types of Blackjack for Beginners

Blackjack has numerous variations, each with its rules and features. Some of the most popular types of blackjack are:

European Blackjack

European blackjack is a common variation. This type of blackjack is played with two, six, or eight decks of cards. The dealer must stand when they have soft 17, and you can only double down on hard 9, 10, or 11. The player can also split only once and only pairs of 10-value cards that are identical. The dealer receives a hole card after the player has decided, and the player cannot surrender or take insurance.

American Blackjack

American blackjack, also known as classic blackjack, typically features up to eight decks. The dealer must stand on all 17s, and you can double down on any cards. The player can also split up to three times and any pair of 10-value cards. The dealer receives a hole card before the player decides, and the player can surrender or take insurance.

Blackjack Switch

The blackjack switch is a unique variation that allows the player to switch the second cards of their two hands. This game variant involves six or eight decks of cards, and the player must make two bets of equal size. The dealer must hit soft 17, and you can double down or split after switching. The player can also make a side bet on the dealer having a blackjack.

Blackjack Perfect Pairs 

Blackjack Perfect Pairs is a variation of blackjack that features a side bet on the player’s first two cards, being a pair. This type of blackjack with side bets features between two and eight decks, and the dealer must stand on all 17s. The player can double down on any two cards and split them up to three times, except for aces. The player can also take insurance but not surrender. 

The perfect pair side bet pays according to the rank and suit of the pair, with a perfect pair (same rank and suit) paying 25 to 1, a coloured pair (same rank and colour) paying 12 to 1, and a mixed pair (same rank and different colour) paying 6 to 1.

How to Play Blackjack in a Casino?

To play this game in a casino, you need to follow some basic rules and etiquette, such as the following.

Joining a Blackjack Table

  • Choose a table that suits your budget and skill level.
  • Wait for a seat to become available to join.
  • Buy chips from the dealer by placing your cash on the table.

Handling Chips, Cards & Blackjack Hand

  • Place your bet in the betting box using one stack of chips.
  • Handle your cards carefully, using one hand only, and don’t bend or fold them.
  • Collect your winnings or losses after each round, and don’t argue with the dealer or the other players.

Interacting with Dealers and Players

  • Chat with the dealer and the other players, but don’t disrupt the game or annoy anyone.
  • Tip the dealer by placing a chip in front of your betting box or making a side bet for the dealer.
  • Leave the table gracefully, cash out your chips, and thank the dealer and the other players.

How to Play Blackjack for Beginners Online?

To play this in a virtual casino:

  1. Find a reliable and reputable UK casino that offers the game.
  2. Register an account, deposit, and choose a blackjack variant that suits your preferences.
  3. Know how to play at home, place your bets, receive your cards, and make decisions based on the game’s rules.

Differences Between Online and Live Blackjack

These two ways of playing blackjack have some similarities and differences. Both follow the same basic rules and objectives, but online blackjack uses a random number generator (RNG) to determine the outcome of the cards, while the live version uses real cards and dealers. 

Playing online is more convenient, faster, and cheaper than the live option, as you can play anytime and anywhere with lower stakes and bonuses. However, live blackjack is more realistic, social, and immersive than standard blackjack at an online casino, as you can chat with everyone in the game and enjoy the casino atmosphere.
Blackjack in Casino

Choosing an Online Casino

Choosing the perfect casino to play is an essential step for playing blackjack. Consider several factors, such as:

  • The casino’s reputation, licensing, and security
  • The casino’s selection of blackjack games and variants
  • The casino’s bonuses, promotions, and loyalty programs
  • The casino’s payment methods, fees, and withdrawal times
  • The casino’s customer support, languages, and currencies

You can use online reviews, guides, and ratings to compare and evaluate potential casinos. You can also try out some casinos for free and learn how to play Blackjack UK before making a deposit.

Understanding Blackjack Online Variants

Blackjack has many online variants, each with its rules and features. Some of the top variants are:

Classic Blackjack. The standard game version plays with one or two decks, and the dealer stands on soft 17.

Atlantic City Blackjack. Played with eight decks, the dealer stands on soft 17. The player can double down on any two cards and split them up to four times. The player can also surrender late and take insurance.

Vegas Strip Blackjack. Featuring four decks, the dealer stands on soft 17. The player can double down on any two cards and split them up to four times. The player can also resplit aces and double down after splitting.

Pontoon. This is a British version of blackjack, where both dealer cards are dealt face down, and the player must hit 14 or less. The player can double down on any two cards and split them up to three times. The player wins automatically with a five-card hand, or a hand of 21 with two cards, called a pontoon.

Spanish 21. Played with six or eight decks, with the 10s removed. The dealer hits on soft 17, and the player can double down on any number of cards and split them up to four times. The player can also surrender late and take insurance. The player wins automatically with a hand of 21, regardless of the dealer’s hand, and gets bonus payouts for certain combinations of 21.

Double Exposure. A variant where both dealer cards are face-up, giving the player more information. The dealer must hit on soft 17, and you can double down on hard 9, 10, or 11 and split up to four times. However, the dealer wins all ties except blackjack, and a blackjack pays even money.

Tips for Online Play

To improve your blackjack winning potential, you should follow some tips, such as:

  • Learn strategies which tell you the best action for every possible hand and dealer upcard.
  • Choose a low-house edge variant, and check the rules and payouts before playing.
  • Manage your bankroll wisely, and set a budget and limits for your bets and losses.
  • Use bonuses and promotions wisely, and read the terms and conditions carefully.
  • Play for fun, and enjoy the game without chasing losses or getting frustrated.

Common Mistakes to Avoid in Best Online Blackjack

Overlooking Table Rules

Blackjack tables have different rules and variations, such as the number of decks, the dealer’s actions, the payouts, and the options available to the player. The specific blackjack rules can affect the house edge and the optimal strategy. You should always check the table rules before you play and choose the most favourable to the player.

Mismanaging Your Bankroll

Your bankroll is the amount of money you have to play with. You should always play within your means and set a budget and limits for your bets and losses. You should also avoid betting too much or too little and adjust your bet size according to your bankroll and the game situation. You should also use bonuses and promotions carefully and read the terms and conditions.

Deviating from Basic Strategy

Strategies are the best way to play online, as they tell you the best action for every possible hand and dealer upcard. Its basis is mathematical calculations and probabilities, and it can reduce the house edge to as low as 0.5%. However, it depends on the game rules and the number of decks involved. You should always follow your strategy and avoid making decisions based on hunches, emotions, or superstitions.


Blackjack is a fun and thrilling game but requires skill and discipline. By avoiding common mistakes, you can boost your winning chances and enjoy the game more. You can also sharpen your skills and test your strategies on free blackjack games or use a strategy trainer or calculator to get feedback. Remember to play responsibly and have fun.


What are the basic rules of blackjack?

You try to beat the dealer by getting a hand value close to 21 as possible without going over. You can hit, stand, double down, split, or surrender. The dealer follows specific rules, such as hitting on soft 17 or standing on hard 17. A blackjack pays 3:2 unless the dealer also has one.

What are the basic rules of blackjack? .

You try to beat the dealer by getting a hand value close to 21 as possible without going over. You can hit, stand, double down, split, or surrender. The dealer follows specific rules, such as hitting on soft 17 or standing on hard 17. A blackjack pays 3:2 unless the dealer also has one

How do you play blackjack for novices?

First, you must find a reliable casino with the game, register an account, deposit, and choose a blackjack variant. You then place your bets, receive your cards, and decide based on the game’s rules. You can also play free in demo mode or with a live dealer.

Is blackjack the same as 21?

Blackjack is a variant of 21, where you try to get a hand value of 21 or as close as possible without going over. Blackjack has specific rules and features, such as the dealer’s actions, the payouts, and the options available to the player.

Can you play blackjack with 2 players?

Yes, this game can be played with 2 players, but it is rare and less fun. The game usually involves more players, up to 7, and a dealer. The players compete against the dealer, not each other. You can also play online with other players or against the computer.

How much is a king worth in blackjack?

A king is worth 10 in blackjack and any other 10-value card, such as a queen, a jack, or a 10. The ace can count as 1 or 11, depending on the situation. The other cards are worth their face value, from 2 to 9.

Is blackjack good for novices?

Blackjack is a good game for all players because it is easy to learn, fun, and has a low house edge. However, it also requires skill and strategy and can be challenging and rewarding. You must know the strategy and practice your skills to play this game skillfully.

What is a joker in blackjack?

A joker is a wild card that may substitute any card in blackjack, depending on the game variant and the rules. However, most blackjack games do not use jokers and only standard 52-card decks. If you encounter a joker in a blackjack game, you should check the rules and the payouts before playing.

How to win in blackjack?

There is no guaranteed way to win in blackjack because it is a game of skill and luck. However, you can boost your chances by following some tips, like learning the strategy, which tells you the best action for every possible hand and dealer upcard. Also, choose a low-house edge variant and check the rules and payouts before playing.