Random Number Generator: Types, Implementations & Best Practices

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Written by: Simona Boshkova

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Approved by: Jack C


Updated: July 22nd, 2024

In a world driven by data and technology, randomness plays a crucial role in numerous applications. At the heart of this randomness lies the concept of Random Number Generators (RNGs), complex algorithms or tools made to create number sequences without any noticeable pattern or predictability.

The influence of RNGs is evident across various fields, where the need for randomness is most important. From ensuring fair gameplay in online casinos to facilitating secure encryption in cybersecurity, RNGs underpin the integrity and reliability of countless systems and processes.

Our comprehensive guide delves into everything you need to know about RNGs, exploring their definitions, types, implementations, and best practices.


Table of Contents

  1. What is a Random Number Generator?
  2. Types of Random Number Generators
  3. How Random Number Generators Work
  4. Implementing Random Number Generators
  5. How RNG Works in Different Casino Games
  6. Challenges & Considerations in RNGs
  7. Best Practices for Using Random Number Generators
  8. Conclusion & FAQs

What is a Random Number Generator?

A random number generator (RNG) is a software algorithm or hardware device designed to create numbers from a limited or unlimited distribution and then output them. The primary objective of an RNG is to produce a sequence of numbers that exhibit apparent randomness, devoid of any discernible pattern or predictability.

The quality of an RNG is paramount, especially in fields like iGaming and cryptography, where the integrity of the generated numbers is critical. Rigorous testing and validation are essential to ensure that an RNG produces numbers that are sufficiently random for its intended application.


Types of Random Number Generators

Random number generators are essential in iGaming, computer science, cryptography, and various other fields. There are two main types of random number generators: Pseudo-random number generators (PRNG) and True random number generators (TRNG). Each type has its own unique characteristics and applications.


Pseudo-random Number Generators (PRNG)

Pseudo-random number generators are software-based algorithms that rely on mathematical formulas to produce random-like numbers. Although their outputs are not truly random, they mimic randomness by using algorithms to approximate the selection of values. 

These generators allow users to set the distribution or scope from which the random numbers are selected. While they are suitable for most applications, they should not be relied upon for secure cryptographic implementations. In such cases, a cryptographically secure pseudo-random number generator is necessary.


Characteristics of PRNG:

  • Speed and Efficiency: PRNGs are generally faster and more efficient, making them suitable for applications that require a high volume of random numbers to be generated quickly.
  • Deterministic Nature: The deterministic nature of PRNGs allows the sequence of numbers to be reproduced if the initial seed is known, which can be advantageous in certain scenarios such as simulations and testing.

Use cases of PRNG:

  • Simulations in Computer Graphics and Gaming: PRNGs are widely used in gaming and computer graphics to create random and unpredictable game scenarios, as well as realistic simulations.
  • Statistical Sampling: In statistical analysis and research, PRNGs are used to generate random samples for conducting experiments and surveys, ensuring the validity of the results.
  • Monte Carlo Simulations: PRNGs are essential for Monte Carlo simulations, which are used in various fields such as finance, engineering, and physics to model and analyze complex systems.
  • Encryption Algorithms: PRNGs play a crucial role in generating random keys and initialization vectors for encryption algorithms, ensuring the security of sensitive data.

True Random Number Generators (TRNG)

True random number generators, also known as hardware random number generators (HRNGs) or TRNGs, are considered cryptographically secure. They take into account physical attributes such as atmospheric or thermal conditions to generate random numbers. 

TRNGs may also incorporate physical processes like coin flipping or dice rolling to introduce additional unpredictability. These generators are particularly useful in creating seed tokens for secure cryptographic operations.


Characteristics of TRNG:

  • Higher Level of Randomness: TRNGs generate numbers based on physical entropy sources, leading to a higher level of randomness and unpredictability compared to PRNGs.
  • Unpredictable Nature: TRNGs produce non-repeating sequences of numbers that are not influenced by any initial seed value, making them suitable for applications where true randomness is crucial, such as cryptographic key generation.

Use cases of TRNG:

  • Cryptography and Key Generation: TRNGs are vital for generating cryptographic keys and ensuring the security and unpredictability of communication channels and data encryption.
  • Secure Communication: In applications that require secure and confidential communication, such as secure messaging and data transmission, TRNGs are used to generate random keys and initialization vectors.
  • Gambling and Lotteries: TRNGs are employed in the gambling and lottery industries to ensure fair and unbiased outcomes, where true randomness is essential for maintaining integrity and trust.
  • Secure Data Transmission: In secure data transfer protocols and systems, TRNGs are utilized to generate random numbers and keys for encryption and authentication, safeguarding the confidentiality and integrity of transmitted data.

In summary, PRNGs are suitable for applications where speed and efficiency are paramount, while TRNGs are indispensable for scenarios that demand a higher level of randomness and unpredictability, particularly in cryptographic and secure communication applications.

Both types of random number generators play distinct and significant roles in various fields, catering to specific requirements for randomness and unpredictability.


How Random Number Generators Work

RNGs are fundamental components in computing, cryptography, gaming, and various other fields. They work by generating sequences of numbers that exhibit randomness and unpredictability.

Pseudo-random number generators (PRNG) employ algorithms based on mathematical formulas or precalculated tables to generate sequences of numbers that mimic randomness. These algorithms typically use a seed value as an initial input to initiate the sequence. Common PRNG algorithms include the Linear Congruential Generator (LCG) and the Mersenne Twister.

True random number generators (TRNG), on the other hand, utilize physical sources of entropy to generate true randomness. These sources can include atmospheric noise, thermal noise, radioactive decay, or other unpredictable physical phenomena. TRNGs capture and convert these sources of entropy into random numbers, ensuring a high level of unpredictability and randomness in the generated sequences.


Implementing Random Number Generators

Random number generators (RNGs) are widely used in programming languages to introduce randomness into software applications. They are essential for various tasks such as simulations, gaming, statistical sampling, and cryptographic key generation. 

Implementing RNGs in programming languages like Python, Java, and C++ involves generating random numbers within a specified range and adhering to software development best practices.


RNG in Programming Languages

In Python, the random module provides functions for generating random numbers. The randint(a, b) function can be used to generate a random integer within the range [a, b], inclusive.

In Java, the java.util.Random class is commonly used to generate random numbers. The nextInt(n) method can be used to generate a random integer between 0 (inclusive) and n (exclusive).

In C++, the <random> header provides facilities for random number generation. The std::uniform_int_distribution class can be used to generate a random integer within a specified range.


RNG in Online Casino Software

Implementing random number generators in online casino software is a critical aspect of ensuring fair and unbiased gaming experiences. The integrity of RNGs directly influences the trust and credibility of online casinos, making it essential to implement them meticulously and transparently.

In online casino software, RNGs are used to determine the outcomes of various games such as slots, roulette, blackjack, and poker. The randomness and unpredictability of these outcomes are paramount to ensure fair play and maintain the trust of players. Rigorous implementation of RNGs is crucial to prevent any potential manipulation and ensure that every outcome is truly random.

Online casinos often employ cryptographically secure pseudorandom number generators (CS-PRNGs) to ensure that the generated numbers are not predictable or influenced by external factors. These RNGs are designed to withstand sophisticated attacks and provide a high level of randomness required for gambling applications.

Many online casinos opt to have their RNGs certified by independent third-party testing agencies such as eCOGRA or iTech Labs. These certifications provide assurance to players that the RNGs used in the casino's software have been thoroughly tested and verified for fairness and randomness.


RNG in Probability Sampling

RNGs play a crucial role in probability sampling, a method widely used in statistical analysis, research, and survey sampling. By employing RNGs, researchers and statisticians can ensure the randomness and representativeness of the samples selected for analysis, thus yielding reliable and unbiased results.

Probability sampling involves selecting a subset of individuals or items from a larger population in such a way that each member of the population has a known, non-zero probability of being included in the sample. This method allows researchers to make inferences about the entire population based on the characteristics of the sampled individuals or items. 

The use of RNGs in probability sampling ensures that the selection process is truly random, eliminating biases and enhancing the generalizability of the findings.


How RNG Works in Different Casino Games

Random number generators (RNGs) play a key role in ensuring the fairness and unpredictability of outcomes in various casino games. Here's how RNG works in different popular casino games:


Online Slots

In online slots, RNGs are used to determine the outcomes of each spin. The RNG generates a sequence of random numbers, which correspond to specific reel combinations. When a player initiates a spin, the current sequence of numbers generated by the RNG at that precise moment determines the resulting symbols on the reels. This ensures that each spin is independent and random, providing players with a fair chance of winning.



RNGs in online blackjack are responsible for shuffling the virtual deck of cards and dealing them to the player and the dealer. Before each round, the RNG generates a new random shuffle of the deck, ensuring that the distribution of cards is unpredictable and free from any discernible patterns. This simulates the randomness of a physical card game, providing a fair and unbiased gaming experience for the players.



In online roulette, RNGs are used to determine the winning number and color on the virtual wheel. When the player places a bet and initiates the spin, the RNG generates a random number that corresponds to the outcome of the spin. This ensures that each spin of the virtual roulette wheel is independent and unpredictable, replicating the randomness of a physical roulette game.



In online poker, RNGs are used to shuffle the virtual deck of cards and deal them to the players. The RNG ensures that the distribution of cards is truly random, simulating the unpredictability of a live poker game. Additionally, RNGs are used to determine the community cards in games such as Texas Hold'em, ensuring that the shared cards are dealt randomly and fairly to all players.


Challenges and Considerations in RNGs

RNGs are essential components in various applications, but they present a unique set of challenges and considerations. Understanding these challenges and adopting best practices is crucial to ensuring the reliability, fairness, and ethical use of RNGs.


Common Pitfalls and Misconceptions Related to RNG

  • Inadequate Seed Management: Improper handling of seed values can lead to predictable sequences, compromising the randomness of the generated numbers.
  • Pseudorandomness Misunderstanding: Many users mistakenly assume that pseudorandom sequences are truly random. Educating users about the deterministic nature of pseudorandom number generators is crucial to avoid misconceptions.
  • Overlooking Statistical Testing: Failing to rigorously test and validate RNGs can lead to undetected biases or patterns in the generated numbers.

Ensuring Randomness and Avoiding Biases

  • Cryptographically Secure RNGs: For applications requiring a high level of randomness and security, such as in cryptography and gambling, it's essential to use cryptographically secure RNGs to prevent predictability and biases.
  • Seed Entropy and Initialization: Proper seeding and initialization methods, including the use of true random sources, are vital to ensure the unpredictability and integrity of RNG sequences.
  • Statistical Testing and Analysis: Regularly subjecting RNG outputs to statistical tests and analysis helps identify biases, non-random patterns, or deviations from expected distributions, ensuring the randomness of the generated numbers.

Regulatory and Ethical Considerations in RNG Applications

  • Compliance with Industry Standards: Adhering to regulatory standards and industry best practices is crucial, especially in applications involving gambling, financial transactions, and cryptography.
  • Transparency and Fair Play: Providing transparency about the RNG implementation and ensuring fair play is essential for building trust among users and upholding ethical standards.
  • Data Privacy and Security: Ethical considerations also encompass safeguarding the privacy and security of the data generated or processed using RNGs, particularly in sensitive applications such as healthcare and finance.
  • Social Responsibility: In applications where RNGs impact individuals' well-being, such as in healthcare or educational assessments, ethical considerations include ensuring that RNGs do not perpetuate biases or unfair outcomes.

By addressing these challenges and considerations, developers, organizations, and regulatory bodies can ensure the responsible and ethical use of RNGs across various applications, promoting fairness, integrity, and trust in RNG-generated data and outcomes.


Best Practices for Using Random Number Generators

Random number generators (RNGs) are integral to numerous applications, and adhering to best practices is essential to ensure their effectiveness and integrity.


Ensuring Randomness and Statistical Uniformity

  • Proper Seed Initialization: Initialising RNGs with high-quality seed values, such as timestamps or hardware-generated entropy, is crucial to ensure the unpredictability and randomness of the generated sequences.
  • Statistical Testing: Regularly subjecting RNG outputs to statistical tests, such as chi-square tests or sectral tests, helps verify the uniformity and randomness of the generated numbers.
  • Avoiding Biases: Implementing techniques to avoid biases, such as ensuring proper distribution of random numbers and preventing correlations, is vital to maintain randomness.

Handling Large-Scale RNG Requirements

  • Parallelisation and Scalability: Using parallel RNG algorithms and scalable architectures can efficiently handle large-scale RNG requirements, ensuring high throughput and performance.
  • Distributed RNG Systems: Implementing distributed RNG systems, where multiple RNG instances work together to generate random numbers, can effectively meet the demands of large-scale applications.
  • Load Balancing: Employing load balancing mechanisms to evenly distribute RNG workload across multiple servers helps maintain performance and reliability in large-scale deployments.

Security Considerations When Using RNG in Sensitive Applications

  • Cryptographically Secure RNGs: In sensitive applications such as cryptography and secure communications, the use of cryptographically secure RNGs, which are resistant to prediction and manipulation, is essential to safeguard against security breaches.
  • Secure Seed Management: Implementing secure methods for seed generation, storage, and distribution is crucial to prevent unauthorized access and manipulation, especially in applications involving sensitive data.
  • Compliance with Security Standards: Adhering to security standards and best practices, such as those outlined in NIST Special Publication 800-90A for cryptographic RNGs, is essential in security-critical applications.


Random number generators serve as fundamental components in various domains, including gaming, cryptography, simulations, and statistical analysis. 

Understanding the mechanisms behind RNGs, implementing best practices for their use, and selecting appropriate tools and libraries are essential for ensuring the reliability, fairness, and security of the generated random numbers.

By adhering to best practices, such as proper seed management, rigorous statistical testing, and the use of cryptographically secure RNGs in sensitive applications, developers and organizations can instil confidence in the randomness and unpredictability of RNG-generated data. 

Furthermore, selecting the right tools and libraries tailored to specific use cases, such as scientific computing, cryptography, or gaming, can significantly impact the performance and effectiveness of RNG implementations.

As technology continues to evolve, the ethical and responsible use of RNGs is paramount. Transparency, fairness, and adherence to regulatory standards play an increasingly critical role in maintaining trust and integrity in RNG applications.

Ultimately, the proper understanding, implementation, and selection of RNGs and associated tools empower developers and organizations to harness the power of randomness effectively, promoting fairness, security, and reliability across a wide array of applications

 Simona Boshkova

Written by Simona Boshkova



What is a random number generator (RNG)?

An RNG is a computational or physical device designed to generate a sequence of numbers that lack any pattern or predictability, appearing random for practical purposes.

What are the main types of RNGs?

The main types of RNGs are pseudorandom number generators (PRNGs) and true random number generators (TRNGs).

How do PRNGs differ from TRNGs?

PRNGs use algorithms to generate sequences of numbers that appear random, while TRNGs derive randomness from physical phenomena, such as atmospheric noise or radioactive decay.

What are the applications of PRNGs?

PRNGs are used in simulations, statistical sampling, gaming, and encryption algorithms, among other applications.

Where are TRNGs commonly used?

TRNGs are crucial for applications requiring a high level of unpredictability and security, such as cryptography, secure communication, gambling, and secure data transmission.

How can the quality of RNG output be verified?

The quality of RNG output can be verified through statistical testing and analysis to ensure randomness, uniformity, and the absence of biases.

How are RNGs utilised in online casino software?

Online casino software utilises RNGs to determine the outcomes of games such as slots, blackjack, roulette, and poker, ensuring fair and unbiased results for players.

What measures are taken to ensure the integrity of RNGs in online casino software?

Online casinos often employ cryptographically secure RNGs, undergo third-party certifications, and implement transparent RNG implementations to ensure the integrity and fairness of gaming outcomes.

What are the regulatory and ethical considerations related to the use of RNGs in online casino software?

Regulatory bodies often impose guidelines for RNG use in online casinos to ensure fair play and prevent manipulation. Ethical considerations include transparency, responsible gaming practices, and data privacy and security.

What are the security considerations when using RNGs?

Security considerations include the use of cryptographically secure RNGs for sensitive applications, secure seed management, and compliance with security standards.

What are the challenges in implementing RNGs?

Challenges include avoiding biases, ensuring statistical uniformity, handling large-scale RNG requirements, and complying with regulatory and ethical considerations.

What tools and libraries are available for RNG implementation?

Popular tools and libraries for RNG implementation include Python's random module, C++'s <random> header, and Java's java.util.Random class, each offering unique features and performance characteristics.

How can RNGs be responsibly and ethically used?

RNGs should be used transparently, ensuring fair play and complying with regulatory and ethical standards to maintain trust and integrity in their applications.