Beat A World Record In Less Than 30 Seconds

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Yes, it’s possible, believe it or not. We know, we aren’t all cut out to be Olympic world athletes like Usain Bolt, the current world record holder for the 100 and 200 metres, or Petra Felke, the world record holder for the women’s Javelin throw since 1986. But, does that mean we can’t be the best at something else? With a bit of effort, luck and drive, even you can become the next world record local superhero. 

The Idea!

During a coffee break with our colleagues, we wondered whether we could break a legit world record at home, other than binge-watch a series or move our workout routine for tomorrow. We gathered a lot of information on the topic but needed to go a step further. After all, information has no relevance if it’s not supported by data. This way, we decided to do a side project and create a rank list of the top 30 world records you can try to break at home. 

Rank Record World Record Setup Ease Av. Cost Years Since Last WR Score
1 Most jumping jacks in 30 seconds 68 Easy £0 1 9.8
2 Keeping two balloons in the air using head. 1 min 9 sec Easy £1 2 9.6
3 Farthest distance to blow a pea 12m 58 cm Easy £1.19 2 9.6
4 Most sticky notes stuck on face in 30 seconds 38 Easy £1.45 2 9.6
5 Fastest time to arrange the alphabet from a can of alphabet soup 3 min 21 sec Easy £1.90 2 9.5
6 Most paper straws in the beard 399 Easy £7 0 9.5
7 Fastest time to eat a burrito 35.26 sec Easy £6 1 9.4
8 Most self portrait photos (selfies) in 1 hour 1449 Easy £0 5 9.2
9 Most jelly eaten with chopsticks in 1 minute 716g Easy £5 3 9.2
10 Most tea bags thrown into mugs in 30 seconds 7 Easy £5 3 9.2
11 Fastest time to drink a bottle of ketchup through a straw 33 sec Easy £3 4 9.1
12 Longest time to control a table tennis ball on a table tennis bat handle 18 min 44 sec Easy £10 1 9.1
13 Fastest time to eat a slice of toast 8.47 sec Easy £1.50 6 8.9
14 Fastest time to eat a Big Mac meal 59.39 sec Easy £5.29 7 8.5
15 Most mugs held in one hand 21 Easy £22 0 8.4
16 Most underpants pulled on in 30 seconds 17 pairs Easy £20 1 8.3
17 Fastest time to eat a 12-inch pizza using a knife and fork 23.62 sec Easy £13.99 5 8.2
18 Tallest toilet paper tower in 30 seconds 28 Easy £10 7 8.1
19 Most dominoes stacked in 30 seconds 48 Easy £24 1 8
20 Most socks put on one foot in 30 seconds 28 Easy £20 3 8
21 Most Ferrero Rocher eaten in 1 minute 9 Easy £13.50 8 7.7
22 Largest bubblegum bubble blown in diameter 50.8 cm Easy £1 16 7.4
23 Most football touches In 30 Seconds 252 Easy £15 10 7.3
24 Most eggs cracked with one hand in a minute 32 Easy £4.50 9 5.5
25 Most four-leafed clovers picked in 1 hour 166 Hard £0 2 6.7
26 Most spoons balanced on the face at one time in 1 minute 31 Easy £40 7 5.9
27 Most lemons caught blindfolded in 30 seconds (team of two) 40 Hard £20 0 5.5
28 Most Smarties/M&Ms eaten in 1 minute blindfolded using chopsticks 65 Hard £1.50 9 5.5
29 Most wet sponge hits to the face in 30 seconds 43 Hard £30 0 4.8
30 Most amount of grapes eaten in 1 minute 133 Hard £30 19 1.8

The Methodology

As we mentioned, there are some fantastic achievements from people out there that are on the edge of a miracle. This time, our goal was to point out the records that everyone can try to break and search for other unofficial world record communities. We compiled a list of world records that are funny, cost-savvy, low-impact and low risk, based on the skills of an average person. 

To calculate the easiest world records to beat, we analysed three main factors to determine the cheapest and “easiest” ones including setup ease, cost estimate and years since the world record was set (assuming the sooner, the easier to break). For example, at first glance, it may seem easy for you to balance two balloons in the air, or take over 1000 selfies in one hour. Well, think twice, because things do not always turn out the way we think they will, and that was proved so many times.

The Moral of the Story

So, how about becoming the next Ashrita Furman? This man has set over 600 Guinness World Records in his life and is still holding over 190 of them. Most importantly, he’s currently holding the record for “Most Guinness World Records”!  Well, it might take some time to get there, but we can all start somewhere, right?  

In the meantime, we encourage you to try some of these records attempts. However, make sure to stay real and reasonable to yourself, because some ideas seem easier than they are. If you decide to attempt some of the featured records, prepare and practise in advance. Approach lightly to the challenge and do it wisely. 

We guarantee that you’ll create a different, memorable experience to share with your network – things we might lack the time or drive for these days. Remember, there are no failed attempts  – what matters is to have a good laugh and enjoy the process.

Additional Info on those that Hold the above World Records

Rank Record Current World Record Holder Location
1 Most jumping jacks in 30 seconds Simon Idio UK
2 Keeping two balloons in the air using head. Abhinabha Tangerman Portugal
3 Farthest distance to blow a pea David Rush USA
4 Most sticky notes stuck on face in 30 seconds Silvio Sabba Italy
5 Fastest time to arrange the alphabet from a can of alphabet soup Cody Jones US
6 Most paper straws in the beard Anatole Ivanow New Zealand
7 Fastest time to eat a burrito Leah Shutkever UK
8 Most self portrait photos (selfies) in one hour Patrick Peterson USA
9 Most jelly eaten with chopsticks in 1 minute Andre Ortolf Germany
10 Most tea bags thrown into mugs in 30 seconds Ashrita Furman US
11 Fastest time to drink a bottle of ketchup through a straw Dustin Phillips USA
12 Longest time to control a table tennis ball on a table tennis bat handle Sha Shucheng China
13 Fastest time to eat a slice of toast Anthony Falzon Malta
14 Fastest time to eat a Big Mac meal so-called The Essex Animal UK
15 Most mugs held in one hand Rob Clarke UK
16 Most underpants pulled on in 30 seconds Toshiaki Katsuga Japan
17 Fastest time to eat a 12-inch pizza using a knife and fork Kelvin Medina Philippines
18 Tallest toilet paper tower in 30 seconds Silvio Sabba Italy
19 Most dominoes stacked in 30 seconds [1] Silvio Sabba, [2] Rocco Mercurio Italy
20 Most socks put on one foot in 30 seconds Paolo Durdik Slovakia
21 Most Ferrero Rocher eaten in 1 minute [1]Peter Czerwinski / [2] Patrick Bertoletti [1] Canada / [2] USA
22 Largest bubblegum bubble blown Chad Fell US
23 Most football touches In 30 Seconds Parker Kuklinski US
24 Most eggs cracked with one hand in a minute Ross Mc Curdy USA
25 Most four-leafed clovers picked in one hour Katie Borka USA
26 Most spoons balanced on the face at one time. Dalibor Jablanovic Serbia
27 Most lemons caught blindfolded in 30 seconds (team of two) Andre Ortolf/David Schramm Germany
28 Most Smarties/M&Ms eaten in one minute blindfolded using chopsticks Kathryn Ratcliffe China
29 Most wet sponge hits to the face in 30 seconds David Rush USA
30 Most amount of Grapes eaten in 1 Minute Mat Hand UK

That’s the basic stuff. If you want to know a bit more on specific records, especially once you could try to beat at home, either alone or in pair, have a look at World Records to Try at Home and best of luck if you do intend to try and break some of these records.

Source References:

GWR at home official page 
GWR 2019 magazine edition 
GWR Official YouTube Channel – Unofficial World Record Submission Platform – for pricings